Occupational Health & Safety Risk Management In the Construction Projects

Virtual CPD Course | 17 – 18  July 2025


Legible for:  2 CPD Points – ECSA  |  1.6 CPD Credits – SACPCMP

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Brief Overview:

This course is aimed at updating and equipping participants with the necessary knowledge and understanding of project risks and how to manage those risks should they arise.

This Course is Now Available in 3 Options

Live Session - Zoom Meeting

Duration: 2-Day (Virtual CPD Course)

Price: R5999 Per Delegate

This Course Includes:

  • Course Manual
  • CPD Certificate

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Instant Access | Self Paced

Duration: 12 Hours (Online Premium CPD Videos)

Price: R4999 Per Delegate

Platform: CPD LMS

This Course Includes:

  • Course Manual
  • CPD Certificate

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Tailor Made In-House
OHS Risk Management- In-House Training Form

Who should attend?

  1.  Construction Health Safety Manager
  2. Health and Safety officers
  3. Health & Safety Representatives
  4. Construction Health and Safety Agent
  5. Risk Management Specialists
  6. Risk Assesors
  7. Construction Industry Professionals
  8.  Candidates -in- training
  9. Quality Managers
  10. Construction & Project Managers
  11. Contractors
  12. Design Engineers, Engineers
  13. Local Government Groups
  14.  Environmental Groups
  15. Community Groups
  16. Regulatory Agencies
  17. Stakeholders in the Construction

Module 1: The Basics of construction project risk management

  1. Introduction to construction project risk management
  2. The importance of project risk management
  3. The risk management framework
  4. Principles of risk management (ISO 31 001)
  5. The legislative land scape
  6. Anatomy of baseline risk assessment
  7. The nature of construction projects risks
  8. Risks associated with different stages(phases) of the project cycle

 Module 2: Types of construction project risk

  1. Design and technical risks
  2. Logistical risks
  3. Operational risks
  4. Financial risk
  5. Force Marjorie
  6. Occupational health and safety risk
  7. Contractual risks
  8. Stakeholder risk
  9. Socio political risk
  10. Environmental risks

Module 3: Types of risk assessment

  1. Baseline risk assessment
  2. Probability /impact matrix
  3. Generic risk assessment
  4. Client baseline risk assessment
  5. Project baseline risk assessment
  6. Contractor baseline assessment
  7. The anatomy of site-specific health and safety specifications
  8. Residual and secondary risks

Module 4: Techniques for managing construction risks

  1. Avoid the risk.
  2. Transfer the risk.
  3. Mitigate the risk.
  4. Accept the risk.
  5. The hierarchy of control in construction risk mitigation

    Accreditation Details

    This course is accredited by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) with 2 CPD Points and by the South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP) with 1.6 CPD Credits.

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    OHS Risk Management in the Construction Projects - Request for Brochure


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